Monday, August 24, 2009

Young people talking

I have seen this statue hundreds of times, but never actually stopped and checked it out. I did the other day, and I learned that it is called 'Unge talende mennesker' (Young people talking). That is somehow pretty describing I think.


  1. How wonderful! It's beautiful!

    Thanks for sharing it with us!

    Small Footprints

  2. Looks like a nice place to sit and talk! Would be great with a lunch break or coffee and treats break! Hilsen fra Hagen - velkommen til EAGAN daily photo

  3. I really like it. There is so much public art out there. Some that has been around our area for some time, but I hadn't noticed until recently. In fact I posted one of them today.

  4. Hm. Interesting, I wonder why they decided they needed a statue of young people talking? It looks like she's breaking up with him.

  5. I don't know what they are talking about, but it certainly looks like she is breaking up with him.
