Friday, May 29, 2009

Election coming up

The election for the European Parlament is coming up on June 7. Sadly however, the election doesn't get much attention in the media. But still posters are seen around the city.


  1. Wow ... an election that doesn't get media attention ... amazing. Here in the U.S., we are inundated with media hype for what seems like years before an election. It's tiresome and doesn't really add to our knowledge of the candidates or issues (unfortunately).

    BTW ... one of your comments is featured on Reduce Footprints today.

    Have a good weekend!

    Small Footprints

  2. I find that interesting too. I agree, we are bombarded during election time.

  3. Well it really is weird that elections don't get media hype... In India the media goes nuts if a politician sneezes also its made a big one hour special here... its quiet irritating actually

  4. I see that Denmark's candidates are very atracctive:)

  5. Oh yes - some of the candidates are certainly very attractive:)

    One would think that at least that would attract some attention to the election...
